Our Purpose

The Hastings & Prince Edward Occasional Teacher Local (HAPE-OTL) supports our members while advancing the cause of public education. We protect our members’ rights, negotiate and safeguard the collective agreement, and provide professional development activities. We also have a Professional Learning remuneration Fund and a Technology Fund for members.

Human Rights Statement

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario is committed to:

  • providing an environment for members that is free from harassment and discrimination at all provincial or local Federation sponsored activities;
  • fostering the goodwill and trust necessary to protect the rights of all individuals within the organization;
  • neither tolerating nor condoning behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of individuals or the integrity of relationships; and
  • promoting mutual respect, understanding and co-operation as the basis of interaction among all members.

Harassment and discrimination on the basis of a prohibited ground are violations of the Ontario Human Rights Code and are illegal. The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario will not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination, as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code, at provincial or local Federation sponsored activities. 

Our Executive Team